Most people don’t like to talk about it, but having gastrointestinal issues is commonplace. If you’re suffering any symptoms and want your questions answered, book a visit to see us at Triborough GI. Here’s a top-to-bottom look at some of the most common digestive issues, their symptoms, and the most effective treatments available. If you suspect you could have one of these issues, speak to a doctor right away.
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When stomach acid backs up into your esophagus you may feel a burning pain in the middle of your chest – this is known as acid reflux. It is common after eating or during nighttime, and this issue may commonly be confused with GERD. If you experience persistent heartburn, bad breath, tooth erosion, nausea, pain in your chest or upper part of your abdomen, or have trouble swallowing or breathing, visit a doctor to receive a correct diagnosis.
Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder, where your body stores and secretes bile for digestion. Over 25 million people in the United States have gallstones, and almost a million new cases of gallstone disease are diagnosed annually: and 25% of these diagnoses require treatment. Gallstones form when there is an overabundance of cholesterol or waste in your bile – or if your gallbladder doesn’t empty properly.
Celiac disease is a serious sensitivity to gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Around 1 in 100 people in the United States have celiac disease, according to the Celiac Disease Foundation. It is also believed that 83 percent of people who have celiac disease are unaware they have the disease or have been misdiagnosed entirely. This disease is commonly confused with gluten intolerance and wheat allergies. Symptoms may also include anemia, fatigue, bone loss, depression, and seizures. Read our previous blog post to learn more about Celiac Disease vs Gluten Intolerance.
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Crohn’s disease most commonly affects the terminal ileum, which connects the end of the small bowel and the beginning of the colon, but it can affect any part of the digestive tract. As many as 800,000 Americans may be affected by Crohn’s – so make sure you schedule a visit with Triborough GI if you feel you may have signs or symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that may affect almost a million Americans. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are very similar to those of Crohn’s, but the part of the digestive tract affected is solely the large intestine, also known as the colon. This gastrointestinal disease may give different symptoms to each person – so it’s best to visit a doctor if you experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue.
Around 10 to 15 percent of people globally suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Signs of IBS can vary: You can be constipated or have diarrhea, or have hard, dry stools on one day and loose watery stools on another. Bloating is also a common symptom as well. What causes IBS is unknown, but the treatment of symptoms centers largely on diet.
Bright red blood in the toilet bowl when you move your bowels could be a sign of hemorrhoids, and this issue is very common. Hemorrhoids are an inflammation of the blood vessels at the end of your digestive tract and can be painful and itchy. Causes include chronic constipation, diarrhea, straining during bowel movements, and a lack of fiber in your diet.
If you are experiencing one or several of these symptoms, you could have a gastrointestinal condition. If you are unsure of whether you have symptoms, it is still important to make a visit to the doctor to ensure you have good gastrointestinal health. Triborough GI strives to provide comfortable and quick care to their patients. It is never too soon to schedule an appointment. Get the best treatment in New York City today!
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