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Treating the real cause of heartburn and other distressing symptoms: FAQs about Bravo™ pH testing for acid reflux

Chronic indigestion, a sour or bitter taste, burning sensations in the chest, and frequent nausea are common symptoms of many conditions we treat at Triborough GI. It is important for our specialists to evaluate and diagnose the source of your concerns accurately. In addition to our considerable gastroenterological expertise, we lean on advanced diagnostic technologies such as the Bravo™ calibration-free reflux testing system. A proper diagnosis helps us to make the most appropriate recommendations for treatment. So, you can finally get relief and avoid the complications associated with conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What is the Bravo™ system?

This minimally invasive test enables us to assess heartburn and related symptoms. By doing this, we can confirm or rule out GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) as the cause of your symptoms. This process helps us understand the underlying reasons for these often distressing and disruptive symptoms.

Is GERD often misdiagnosed?

Yes! In fact, that is one of the big perks of the Bravo™ system. It’s estimated that one out of every three individuals with chronic symptoms who are taking Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) do not actually have gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is potentially problematic because the long-term use or overuse of these medications is associated with a wide range of serious health complications. These risks include osteoporosis, dementia, and intestinal infections. Additionally, by treating the incorrect issue, we may fail to address other potential underlying causes effectively.

How does the Bravo™ work?

First, one of our specialists will administer local anesthesia for utmost comfort. Then, a small, gelcap-sized Bravo™ pH capsule will be gently attached to the wall of your esophagus. This capsule is designed to measure esophageal pH constantly. The information is collected over a 48-hour period and then transferred to a wireless recorder worn around your waist. You can go about your usual activities during the testing period (always stay within three feet of the recorder, even when showering or sleeping).

What is done with the measurements that are recorded?

Please return the recorder to us after 48 hours. We will then download the test data onto a computer. One of our providers will review and analyze the results, particularly the findings from the Bravo™ pH test.

What happens to the capsule?

The capsule is completely safe; it simply detaches from the esophagus wall and is passed naturally through your digestive tract.

Is there anything else I need to know? For instance, how do I prepare?

Our team at Triborough GI will cover everything you need to know before testing. If necessary, one of our specialists may advise you to avoid taking certain medications during testing. It is important to maintain an up-to-date diary of when you eat, rest and when you experience symptoms such as coughing, regurgitation, and heartburn. This information assists our doctors in making a definitive diagnosis. With a clear diagnosis, you can stop unnecessary medications like PPIs and start treatments aimed at resolving the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Call to request a consultation at one of our four locations: Brooklyn, New York (718) 795-2734, Bushwick (718) 865-3960, Staten Island (718) 710-4906, and the Bronx (718) 360-1632.

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