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Anorectal Manometry Testing

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A guide to anorectal manometry testing: What it is, why we do it, and what to expect from the process

Advanced technologies at Triborough GI complement our specialists’ extensive knowledge and experience. These technologies not only facilitate precise treatment but also enable the most accurate diagnoses. The importance of reliable diagnostics cannot be overstated; after all, we can only treat what we know and understand. Anorectal manometry represents one of the many diagnostic capabilities available at our office. We promote effective and well-informed therapies to get our patients back to feeling their best quickly.

What is the purpose of the ManoScan™ anorectal manometry system?

Our specialists use the ManoScan™ anorectal manometry system from Medtronic to assess various conditions, including persistent constipation, bowel control issues, rectal prolapse, and congenital Hirschsprung’s disease. Additionally, this test may play an important role in assessing sphincter function in the lead-up to rectal and anal surgical procedures. Lastly, anorectal manometry may be incorporated into biofeedback training and the use of special exercises to strengthen anal muscles and coordination/function.

Do I need to prepare for this test?

Every patient’s experience with all of our services and treatments is unique. However, you can generally expect our team to walk you through any bowel preparation needs before your appointment. We may suggest enemas or a special diet to prep the bowels. Adjusting certain medications or supplements may also be necessary before your appointment. Your bladder should also be empty before testing begins.

What can I expect from the test?

First, you will begin by reclining on your left side, keeping your hips and knees bent. No sedation will be used, as it’s essential for you to respond to commands by squeezing and relaxing during this assessment. We then gently guide a tiny and thin lubricated catheter or probe into your rectum. The system also features a small balloon at the end of the catheter, which is inflated to evaluate reflexes and muscle pressure. The catheter itself is attached to a monitor that analyzes muscular pressure. We will ask you to squeeze, push, and relax throughout your testing. So, we can then measure muscular pressure associated with different movements. Additional assessments may be completed as needed to check for nerve function in the pelvic floor.

Is there anything I need to do afterward?

No. Anorectal manometry services at Triborough GI accommodate your busy schedule and active lifestyle. You can return to taking any medications as you normally would, as well as your usual diet and activities. Since we do not administer sedatives for this test, you can also safely drive yourself home. Before you leave, we will advise you when the results might be ready. During a follow-up visit, your doctor will review the findings with you. From there, we can embark on this journey to better health and an improved quality of life with you.

Request a consultation today at one of our four NYC area locations: Brooklyn (718) 795-2734, Bushwick (718) 865-3960, Staten Island (718) 710-4906, and the Bronx, NY (718) 360-1632.

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